New YouTube video: I highlight some classic & controversial moments in comics that, if were published in 2020, would cause a stir on the internet and open up a larger discussion on important topics relevant within our society

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Been sporting my tees & reading some classic tales to celebrate the late Jiro Kuwata’s work. If you want to add some sweet tees to your Batman collection, please check out my merch store for more🦇🙏🏼▶️

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15+ years after the 2nd Jason Todd, was murdered by The Joker in Jim Starlin's '#Batman: A Death in the Family', Judd Winick, Matt Wagner & Doug Mahnke brought Todd back in the arc 'Under the Hood' in 2005’s ‘Batman’ publication.

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woah this looks so cool!! (gintoki's arm!!!)
[credit for scan: robin80829]

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Battle of the sidekicks What’s your roster: Damian Wayne • Stephanie Brown • Tim Drake

Start one
Bench one
Cut one

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I finally read the special today, and it was fantastic. Particularly happy to see and 's terrific run with Tim get a new epilogue and recognition in the legacy. Brought smiles and memories. 🙂

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¡Episodio 150! En tiempos oscuros, es momento de celebrar a uno de los personajes más luminosos del comic: el Joven Maravilla, quien festeja su 80 aniversario.
Listo en Spotify, iVoox, iTunes y Google Podcasts

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NEW: It’s the finale of Elseworlds Month & we’re going out with a bang! Join us for our review of “the Story” Parts 1 & 2!


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The early creator's of Batman gave him a sidekick named after the bird Robin for a reason. On this blog's end, I embedded a terrific short video on the wonderful qualities of the avian namesake for Dick Grayson's first super hero code name!

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(multiple reboots work just as well)
Happy Birthday (a little late ahah) you horny bastard...
This goes out to my bestie and superfan and to , and .

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Best Robin for the 80th anniversary

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(This my review over Damian's story from Robin80th) While i respect Batman's way of fighting for justice, Damian kinda has a point on not letting the villains escape repeatedly after they get locked up. (1/4)

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After drawing my Robin Side Kick I remembered I had a BatStick that I had drawn for the last Batman Day so I figured I would put them together. BatStick and Side Kick the Cat Wonder.

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80 aniversario de Robín, feliz cumpleaños, muchacho!

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Here are some of the comics we are looking forward to this week.

From - The boy Wonder turns 80 with this 100 Page Special

Also from Artemis & Assassin

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