Meet Rogan, my half orc playing Barbarian in this case. He is the head of the public slaughter house, definitely not vegan. He was a father long time ago, and a lone adventurer. He is trying his best on the social scale now.

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Here's Wacker, my kenku playing the rogue. He has zero backbone. He had one only friend that he betrays. He got recruited by bad people and he couldn't stand his ground against threats. Now he regrets leaving the only person who he ever considered his friend behind..

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Today’s drawing is of a special little imp: NotEnrique!

Another day of fanart for , I can’t get enough of this show.

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day 4 ! Meet Lexi. She is a chill human looking girl, but her true nature, a fire elemental, was locked in her since born. Once the lock got broken, a powerful force of destruction burst away from her, and it took her and her friends a long time to tame her nature.

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Nergui is character for aDnD campain. She is a very quiet dragonborn. At the base a monk but she is a very good fighter. Will flip you easily.

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day 8 : meet Kirian playing as a bard. She is an OC of mine, she is a satyr and has a important impact in the nightlife of Skyline city. She is the owner of a famous private club called The Vortex, where heavy ekectro night happens but also very private “parties”

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Lenny could make a good innkeeper. She is a former hitman that went rogue from her secret organisation. Her memories are very fragmented and She is in search of her purpose in all this chaos. Probably only her will be able to make sense of it.

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Quilwyn could definitely pass for a tiefling. She is not exactly one tho. She is a humanoide dragon subrace i created for a small girl love story. She is feral when she doesnt know you but once she likes you , she is going to be the warmest reptile you ever had.

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Jenkins as an asimar for very obvious reason hehe. Jenkins is one of the main character of my webcomic, The Sound Of Feathers ( you can read on the ) she is an agent from the death agency.

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Komakha is one of my oldest OC. One that has a special place in my heart and that deserves his story to be told. He lives in a distopian world where social class impact directly the phisical level of society.

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Ashora is another one of my OC. She is not a centaur, but i thought she could play a good hunting one. She is a hunter, yes, she is skilled phisically but she lacks basic learning skills. She can’t read but oh boy she can fight like a lion.

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character Nessali, she plays for our last campaign. She is innocent but somehow deadly when she stops being a pushover. Nessali marks the end of the medieval adventures of my prompt list. Now onto my favorite part, the dark urban fantasy.

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time to jump into the world of darkness with Victoria the vampire, an OC of . Character from a rpg we had long time ago. She is supposed to be a half vampire hunter.

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my werewolf girl Cassandra! An old retired RP character. She is living happy in the mountains with her werefolks pack and her girl jasmin, a werepuma.

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Shenua is another oc of mine. She is half werewolf and a barbarian at the base. Im pretty sure she would enjoy the hunting.

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Eligos, my infamous demon from 9mm girls webcomic. They are very profesional , ruthless and pragmatic. Read their story on tapas, link in bio !

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another character from my 9mm girls. Silali is pretty playfull and a handfull for Eligos. Link in bio for webcomic link

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Hazel from one of the main protagonist. She is Aya’s work partner, she is the one taking care of all the informatic stuff, a real grumpy nerd...but a seraphim ? 😇

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Angie is a very low level demon from my webcomic 9mm girls. She is, tho, a wonderful and focused assistant. She takes her work seriously even if sometimes people makes fun oh her plumpy tail.

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My dear Red, from my old Black City Birds comic. She is no more now but i still hold her in my heart. I felt nostalgic drawing her, she symbolise a part of my life that’s far behind me now and no more.

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