🧸 [#พรีออเดอร์เกาหลี ] ของสะสม

ชุดไดอารี่จาก โครงการระดมทุน


📮ค่าส่งในเกาฯ 87฿

🚢ส่งกลับเรือรวมภาษี รอ 10-15 วันหลังเรือเดินทาง

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🧸 [#พรีออเดอร์เกาหลี ] ของสะสม

ชุดไดอารี่จาก โครงการระดมทุน
ไดอารี่ 1 เล่ม + ปกด้านใน + โพสอิทเล็ก

ราคา 1,420 บาท
📮ค่าส่งในเกาฯ 87฿

🚢ส่งกลับเรือรวมภาษี รอสินค้า 10-15 วันหลังเรือเดินทาง

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AAAAH the covers are SO cute! 🥹💖✨ I’m so glad I was able to finally get the printed copies, I love this series so muchhhhh

0 2

help rt ~ 🇲🇾
interest check for romance101 planner

please like this tweet if you're serious to buy 🙇🏻‍♀️

set inclusions and price below 👇🏼

9 7

They're just soooo adorable 🥰🥰🥰

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im finally reading romance101 ehe this is such a funny webtoon lol but i still dont know who i ship w bareum :3

0 1

Campus Romance 101📔 Main Story: Makoto Out Now!

Makoto Lee is a charming and handsome student. He's equally affable with everyone. But soon you discover that behind his kindness, lies a hidden heartbreak. Can you become his special someone?

3 40

Damnn, I wish i had a Yuyeon when i cried too TAT
Lucky Baruem <3333 The ever-perfect ship :3

Webtoon: Romance 101

0 3

Campus Romance 101📔 Main Story: Ryusei Out Now!

You join the tennis club alongside Ryusei, you're attracted to his sunny smile, yet bewildered by his occasional icy gaze. When you discover the "real Ryusei" will you still have feelings for him?

3 44

Campus Romance 101📔 Main Story: Kaneto Out Now!

Kaneto Fujimura, an associate professor of English literature, is gentle-mannered, but a little bit of a tease. You start to fall for him, which eventually develops into a love affair.

0 25

*SPOILERS* The way their relationship has been WATERED 🌊 AND GROWN 🌱 Hurts to remember how single we are 🥲

If you haven't had your fill of yet now's your chance to catch up.

➡️ https://t.co/ikQUsNMVNo

40 578

Aww I’m in love with Yuyeon 🥰 He is pure serotonin 🥺

0 4

Campus Romance 101📔 Main Story: Kosei Out Now!

You've decided to join an animal circle with the cute but snarky Kosei Aihara, Faculty of Agriculture. Despite his sharp tongue, he's unexpectedly gentle when he interacts with animals.

2 34

💛Campus Romance 101💛 Main Story: Shuhei Out Now!

Shuhei Makita is a law student who is both sarcastic and too much of a flirt for his own good. He's more diligent and much more lonely than expected and you find yourself falling for him

0 35


— a thread ˙ᵕ˙

17 53

— finally finished bareum and yuyeon in chibi form ^^

62 194