A little extra classic series drawing for Friday... it’s Tavius from The Romans.

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Hey Romans.
People keep going on about your hypocausts, but I have underfloor heating and it is stupid.
I wear slippers and when I get cold I go sit by the fire.
I don't need silly warm floors.
Take that.

PS the pets say I'm a moron, they love the warm floor.

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Daffodil is Wales national flower and was brought to Britain by Ancient Romans... Perfect flower for Askeladd. 😊❤️

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Ptolemaic Officer

Idk why I find the Ptolemaic army so interesting. Something about a Greek army in the desert. Or the cultural mix of Egypt and Greece. At this point I might have drawn them more then I've drawn Romans. Might be a problem

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RSWR characters on skates!

Derby makes me want to draw every conceivable character skating, and I kiiiinda forgot that you couldn't tell the difference between the two Romans. (But two birds with one stone I guess?)

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Maegan F. as Boudica. She was a Celtic queen who led her people in battle against the Romans.

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Woof 🐺

These busts are from our upcoming Season 1 drop of our Empire NFTs, starting with the Romans.

But that's not all; we also have card game available for open testing in our discord community! ⚔️

Join us here:

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"The year is 50 B.C. Gaul is entirely occupied by the Romans. Well, not entirely... One small village of indomitable Gauls still holds out against the invaders.

These Romans are crazy!

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My Dad had a copy of a book about Hannibal on his shelf. I stole it as a kid, read it, and my mind was blown. What he was able do to the Romans. Just wow. The tactics. The words and history came alive in my mind. I knew then what I wanted to do. Napoleon knew it too.

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Like promised we have 2 badbois for JST now another 2 badbois dor CET!!!

Listing in 2 Hours we have "Wimpy" Romans & Druid Romans.

These badbois will drop rebase!
For the glory of $ROME https://t.co/2pGTwZm3Z9

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"Raeliana - Warum sie die Verlobte des Dukes wurde"

Nach ihrem frühen Tod erwacht Frau als Raeliana in der fiktiven Welt eines Romans. Sie kennt das Buch gut und weiß, dass Raeliana eine Nebenfigur ist, die einem Mordanschlag zum Opfer fallen wird. Erneut jung sterben?

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Això ens fa arribar a l'altra gran tema: les pelis de romans. Hi ha molt d'imaginari de l'antiga roma en les preqüeles. Sens anar més lluny, de seguida trobem legions en perfecta formació avançant per el camp de batalla a lluitar contra els enemics bàrbars.

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Què passa doncs amb les preqüeles? Si aquests elements hi són, queden massa amagats darrera del que jo crec que són els dos grans temes principals: les pelis de mosqueters i les pelis de romans.

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Always gotta test the new suit of armor you invent! Sorry it was late I tried finishing it before I saw We Came As Romans. I couldn’t 😔

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Si je peux me proposer... je réalise des couvertures, dont celles de mes romans... 👀❤️

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Instant peinture : 🎨

Walter Linsley Meegan (1859-1944) est un artiste peintre britannique. 🇬🇧

Ses œuvres sont souvent associées au clair obscur. Il est spécialisé dans les paysages brumeux. Cela apporte du mystère à son univers. Je verrais bien son travail lié à des romans.

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Mercredi : Night Head 2041, un monde où tout ce qui est lié au paranormal est interdit, y compris les romans. Mais certains individus, comme nos 2 héros, disposent de pouvoirs paranormaux et l'Etat n'est pas aussi honnête qu'il y paraît à ce sujet. A voir comment ça va tourner...

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if the loonaverse is indeed connected to the bible, its possible that that is “judas’ kiss”. judas betrayed jesus by kissing him on the cheek as a sign that he was the messiah and becus of that jesus was arrested by the romans. we know jesus d1ed on the cross at daylight (3pm) ++ https://t.co/EeFirvh4NL

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There's only one week before A Gladiator Stole My Lunchbox comes out, so I'm going to talk a bit more about the how the book was made. Last week I wrote about drawing ancient Rome, today is about drawing ancient Romans. Here's Henry with his hosts, the Verus family.

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Boudica was a Celtic queen who led an uprising against the invading Romans. Despite failing to prevent Roman rule, she is considered a folk hero. Her cause of death is unknown, but stories speculate possible illness or suicide by poisoning to avoid capture.

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