The Atlantean sword Hopper picks up to take on the Demogorgon in was designed by concept artist Ron Cobb for Conan the Barbarian (1982). Here’s one of his design drawings.

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“If you're gonna build a time machine into a car, why not do it with some style?” Ron Cobb’s detailed design drawings for the DeLorean Time Machine with “Street Legal Nuclear Reactor Core” for Back To The Future (1985)

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Milius' Conan owes much to the great designs of illustrator and cartoonist Ron Cobb. He was so good…

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Toht concept art from Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981) by Ron Cobb. Early concept art for the character featured cybernetic components.

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Robot Jox (1989) Dir Stuart Gordon

Concept art by Ron Cobb

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Back to the Future (1985) Dir Robert Zemeckis

Initial design (interior & exterior) of the
De Lorean time machine by Ron Cobb

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Aliens (1986) Dir James Cameron

Ron Cobb concept art for the terraforming colony, Armoured personnel carrier and drop-ship.

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The Last Starfighter (1984) Dir Nick Castle

Concept art by Ron Cobb including designs for various Starfighters, Grig, Ko-Dan and the Gunstar..

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Alien (1979) Dir Ridley Scott

Concept art by Ron Cobb, including early concepts for the Nostromo from an earlier script and for the Alien Planetoid..

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Star Wars (1977) Dir George Lucas

Cantina alien designs by Ron Cobb

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Rest in peace, a total legend.

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🙏🏻 diseñador de Ciencia Ficción de los más grandes... sin el ALIEN, ALIENS: EL REGRESO, ABYSS, LA GUERRA DE LAS GALAXIAS y muchas más no serían lo que conocemos.

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