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91 1093


29 789


92 964

🌹Roselia「Stille Nacht, Rosen Nacht」

180 884

🌹Roselia「Stille Nacht, Rosen Nacht」

140 823

Roselia🌹 「Stille Nacht, Rosen Nacht」

99 424

Roselia🌹 「Stille Nacht, Rosen Nacht」

77 393

Roselia🌹 「Stille Nacht, Rosen Nacht」

122 549

RosenNacht 笑ったとこ

21 81

Nonchan elegant on her keys but also keeling over laughing
I remember during R, Aiai was running around to each member but couldn’t make it up stairs to Nonchan on time; they were both laughing so hard that Aiai almost couldn’t sing her line 🤣
YukiNon moments too🥰

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came back to give us our xmas present!!! Our Carol (finally! I was like wait it can’t be a Xmas live without this song)

awesome night, got to see Meguchi all badass on her drums, kdhr being kdhr but also badass on her guitar, Yukki badass bass but also ojisan laugh

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I love how in encore MC Aiai brought up popipa 10th anniv and ofc roselia’s own 8th Aiai is just so lovable 🥺💜
I screamed when the encore song started off with R, another fav of mine 🙏😭 Heroic Advent is such a good last song….. or not! After the goodbyes, they

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Last but not least, gotta mention to fun MCs and good ol’ kyrakuzu segments 🤣 needless to say, Aiai lost again (sure this time is a group challenge but still)
Nonchan is just so yabai -looks into distance recalling the shy newbie joined Roselia at Vier

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And it’s no regular ver; there was a super sick improv segment that I was flailing so much 🤣😇

Roselia really knows how to hype the crowd, I’m so comfortable with them, the kind of band-audience connection is what’s sort missing for AveMujica (I know, it can’t be

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Ichizue no Hanakanmuri

That’s it, that’s the tweet. Yukilisa are married and they married on stage thank you 💜

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So hyped up; the historic was good audience calls song; Determination Symphony was 😇 always nice to see the entire venue turning mostly hikawa color 🥺, esp with kdhr up on the topmost stage
🔥🔥🔥FIREBIRD🔥🔥🔥 self explanatory, glad I remembered to grab UOs 😇🙏

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310 1554

今日はRoselia「Stille Nacht, Rosen Nacht」🌹

29 150

Stille Nacht, Rosen Nacht!!!!

112 720