155. RuAF control of Sulyhivka confirmed in 2 films released 25 April. Shows 4 BMP-2 at south of village approx 49.023628, 37.236056, likely of 488th Motor Rifle Regt, 144th Motor Rifle Div h/t . One film shows some🇺🇦KiA of 93rd Mechanised Bde. https://t.co/LpZcGEyGka

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RuAF Su-25SM

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An interesting CG simulation made by a Chinese military enthusiast gives a good understanding on how the R-73 (RVV-MD) AAM was stored and launched off the Su-57 as shown in the latest promotional video.

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Meanwhile,in Linbury LND,a spectacular view of An-124 of RuAF taxiing while USAF C-5M Super Galaxy unloading cargo

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