Hhhnnghgnghn I loved RubberRoss' video on vtubers fusing their models I had to try some with my persona...

This one is a fusion with Ironmouse's underworld goddess model!

(I'll post some more in the coming days!!!)

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I apologize for what I’ve done to your boy

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watching rubberross' "draw characters from memory" vid and one was the green m&m and it inspired me

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Milord’s gartic phone drawings from today!🥹❤️

They are fusing themselves with whoever else’s name they get! (From the collab)

Here’s who he’s fused with each round:

Practice round: AICandii
1. RubberRoss
2. Haruka
3. Lord Aethel

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idk if this is already a twitter trend but ive been watching a lot of rubberross’ gartic phone vids n i wanna at least try it as a warmup

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Remade the Electabuzz/Spiritomb fusion I did! Might make this a thread of any other Gartic Fusions I do/redo in the future👀If you havent seen the new Garticmon Fusions vid from @/RubberRoss, you can see the rest of the fusions here! https://t.co/W8PiWzLIfS

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Since the video is up, here's a few of my Pokemon Fusions for RubberRoss' Gartic phone stream! Skiddo best guy

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I was on RubberRoss’s stream the other day making Pokémon according to recent leaks! Here’s the starters final evo’s.

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RubberRoss's Youtubers in Family Guy but it's just the vtubers
https://t.co/GaCxGndL3H より

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doodled some electric pigs during that rubberross stream with drawfee, now i have some goofy li'l fakemon

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had the pleasure of making a lil secret santa for in rubberross's server!!! i hope u like it!

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Here's An Art I Did On My New Drawing Tablet!!!
Scribble Showdown Is Next Week & Can't Wait To Be There!!

(RubberRoss Disabled His Tagging But He's In Here)

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Happy Halloween Everyone! I watched RubberRoss's Gartic Video and I enjoyed it so i decided to draw this fanart Halloween!

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🪓🩸RubberRoss AND CO. PRESENT...🩸🪓
A GARTIC PHONE HORROR FILM!!! This was so much fun to work on holllllyyy crapoola.

Thank you to all the other artists I met, I love you all!!!!

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I drew 's fursona but buff!! :3
(The reference is from RubberRoss' "pros be flexin in gartic phone video)

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my brother was so proud of me that ross liked my post dndns like- holy crap. we both were excited! i just finished watching the sonic animation gartic phone vid, so uh. here you go , you as a sonic character

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