터거미스토 터거콱소 암거나..시간있어 애긔?

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Seems like something big is brewing over at ... so I FOMO'd into this regal Rumtumtugger.

Fact: Society is the sexiest project on https://t.co/lqLtbko5fc

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The rum tum tugger is a curious cat!

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there’s a 🎶 curious cat 🎶 in your feed!

sketched in pencil and “inked”/colored in !

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I saw cats the stage show and I must say I have a favorite jellicle cat.

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eer caption this? didnt really have anything on mind what made Misto mad other than him blushing furiously to Tugger ehehe.

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Probably Tugger's only weakness. He doesn't really care what anyone says, he WILL do as he do (do) as they say. But when a certain human told him he was boring, well.

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A curious cat😽🎵

I like using characters from musicals as character design exercises!

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