"Silent Hill f" Announced

It will be written by Ryukishi07, known for writing Higurashi and Umineko VN and developed by Konami.

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is written by Ryukishi07, a luminary of mystery/horror doujin visual novels. I suspect this scarecrow wearing a Japanese school uniform (制服) and brandishing a scary looking blade is an homage to his earlier works like Higurashi When They Cry (ひぐらしのなく頃に)

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118) Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Rei - Hoshiwatashi-hen - Ryukishi07, Tokiya Seigo

And the second Reiwa Higurashi Manga finished it's Fan-TL yesterday. About as good as Oniokoshi I'd say, also fleshed out the Polaris Cult better.
Interested to see how the Answer-Arc will go.

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Well, if you like Higurashi, then Umineko is good too! Iwaihime, also by Ryukishi07, is really fantastic as well.
Beyond that, I really loved You and Me and Her. It’s got a great premise and characters to back it up.
You can’t go wrong with sciADV games like Chaos;Child either

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Happy 20th Anniversary ! 💖🎉

Higurashi is an important part of my life...Ryukishi07, you mad man, I adore you !

This is a part of my collection, it bring me so much joy and happiness ! 🥰

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Reminder that Ryukishi07, creator of the When They Cry series, is a Cardcaptor Sakura fan

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27. Iwaihime

Came for Ryukishi07, left with a pseudo Spirit Hunter sequel. Some of the characters feel like they could have been fleshed out a tad more, but I think I prefer it this way over the alternative. The art is SUPER GOOD though, I can't recommend this one enough.

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✨In the edit bay!✨
The first of our new series covering various "otakumentaries." We're looking at the 2005 documentary Akihabara Geeks! Notably featuring the creator of the visual novel When They Cry. Look out for it soon!

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Please consider relicensing Higanbana, . It's one of my favorite works by Ryukishi07, but it's no longer legally available to digitally purchase anywhere.

Higanbana has found an audience, and many of them would gladly support an official Western release.

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