💥 We are now ON AIR A’TIN and Pearls for the on ?

Please join us with today at 11:00 AM PH time.

Link: https://t.co/EzfJI8hs5H

PPopCon Online Tickets & Gcash will be given away.

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💥 A’TIN and Pearls, are you ready for the 1st part of on ?

Please join us with today at 11:00 AM PH time.

Link: https://t.co/2vG0gvzLeY

PPopCon Online Tickets & Gcash to give away

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💥 Hello A'TIN and Pearls!
Tomorrow is the 1st part of our streaming collab with on STATIONHEAD: starts at 11:00 AM PH time / at 7:00 PM PST.

GA Alert: PPopCon2022 Online Tix or G-cash.

LINK: https://t.co/2vG0gvzLeY

64 74

💥 Hello A'TIN and Pearls!
We're having a streaming collaboration on with . It'll be a 2-part event, so please save the date and party with us. 🎉 Hope to see you there, fam! 💙💛

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