“. . . you just wanted me and Daredevil gone for embarrassing you all these years! You’re that petty, you were willing to put civilians in harms way to begin with!!!”


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quickly as possible, Spider-Man leaps up to a tree while emptying out his web-cartridges; hoping to glue Daredevil against the armored van right behind him. But that’s only wishful thinking. He wouldn’t be surprised if Daredevil would dodge it in time.


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“What could you possibly want out of me, you giant buffoon. . .”

The scientist spoke, with his teeth gritting against each other.


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killed Osborn, then you mistaken me to be an easy prey!”

In which the two upper tentacles extended out; ready to choke Kingpin if need be.

“I outta send you down the River too!”


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promise that I’ll make it out as well. But that doesn’t mean we should keep running away continuously. As long as we make a stand and fight back, then neither Osborn nor Fisk will stand a chance against us. I can promise you that.”


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“I’m sorry, Wanda. If I had the opportunity, I’d save your brother too. . .”


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