Doctor Doom sketch by for 6x9! Stephen has been NAILING our fan special format! Next up is we are working on something different from Stephen for that appearance. Keep following…we’ll announce in time for the show!

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Just in time for just dropped an Epik animated NFT Collection for fans of the Femme Fatales from the

Purchase the collection here:

Full details:


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The Coffin sketch by MIKE HUDDLESTON for 8x11! Perfection! Come see Mike for a rare convention appearance…signing at our booth for the entire show! Our full signing schedule is here:

Ungraded sigs remain FREE! Thanks and see you all soon!

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Excited to have debut at Stop by the booth (#1717) & say hello-n-pick one up! I’ll be giving away some cool merch, too. This exclusive cvr will be for sale!

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Hey! Psyched to announce I’ll be at the booth at We’ll be giving an advance look at The Atonement Bell from me, , , , & ! Variant cvr by ! arrives this Nov!

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GHOST CAGE sketch by for 6x9! Yes, Nick was able to pull off a cover-quality “sketch” on 6x9(!)…AT A SHOW!!! Next appearance is It’s going to be EPIC! Update coming soon! Good luck to all who try for his list!

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