Hey if you're looking for more video games to revive...

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Probablemente nunca aceptaron el proyecto xq ya tenían planes de cancelar el show, pero la verdad es una gran desgracia. No solamente ibamos a tener una suerte de revival de uno de los juegos más icónicos de la sega, sino que pudo haber seguido el legado de la serie en videojuego

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Dear Sega, somehow... BRING BACK OUR BOY!!!! https://t.co/jozjh45GDB

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I wish I can do cover art for games someday. I hope I can be hired or commissioned for SEGA, Capcom, Square Enix and other game company.

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Sega, PLEASE let this woman turn super, I’m on ma hands and KNEES🧎🧎🧎

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Here are two more OCs from my siblings! This time by two of my younger brothers OCs based on, as you can guess, Miles "Tails" Prower.

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Not completely my artwork but...
I'm the person who colored this Sonic (from sonic coloring book pages)

There is no official colored version of this lineart made by SEGA, yet even Sonic twitter accidentally used it thinking it's 100% official

Also I hid my watermark in there https://t.co/TjZ6dsDY3c

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hi 👋
im natorii/natalia, im a multi-fandom artist mainly focusing on nintendo and sega, heres a few examples of stuff ive drawn 💜

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Square, Sega, Namco and The Pokémon Company: Don't we have games with themes of environmentalism?
Eh, probably not. Let's invest in NFTs! https://t.co/qbcW0WScfd

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¿Podemos afirmar que este Contra Hard Corps es uno de los mejores juegos del catálogo de Totalmente! llegó tarde a la 16 bits de pero cuando lo hizo, lo hizo por la puerta grande publicando titulazo tras titulazo. Este es uno de ellos!

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New on Gaming Hell - Sukeban Deka II (Sega, 1987) https://t.co/1QUrSWVKwF CAN'T YOU GUYS GET FIRED UP?

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Eu adoro a SEGA.
Os jogos arcade da SEGA foram a minha juventude, apesar de terem saído recentemente dos centros de jogos.
Adoro os jogos e hardware da SEGA, e recentemente tenho pensado em jogá-los de novo.


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Happy Valentines Day everyone and Happy 3rd anniversary of Sonic the Hedgehog Movie

Cupid © me
Sonic © Sega, Sonic Team

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I feel like doing something, I feel motivated ⚡
Guys, gimme Skins For SkyCade To Put It On
(Be it from Sega, Nintendo or anywhere)

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Former Sega COO Tetsu Kayama previously worked for both Nintendo AND Sega simultaneously as president of Nintendo subsidiary Marigul and special advisor at Sega, as well as president of Media Factory, who published Sega games on Nintendo systems and produced the Pokemon TCG. https://t.co/VIJGJTd1Nn

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Project X Zone 1 and 2 are an incredible crossover of many gaming legends from Bandai Namco, Capcom, Sega, and some Nintendo. I did remember these games but didn't include them originally since unfortunately they're already unavailable on the eshop due to a copyright. 😔

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This different a lot from SEGA, who put out a lot of JRPGs in Europe throughout the late 80s and early 90s.

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Una joya del catálogo de la 16 bits de para el que parece que poco a poco se le va dando el reconocimiento que se merece, como el auténtico juegarral que es! Una cosa está clara... el Catálogo de es impresionante! Bendición pixelada para este juego!

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Thank you everybody for over 1k♥️s!! The year of the rabbit is here, so let's draw some rabbits. On a side note: Sega, it would be super cool if you made a collection of all the Sonic Advance games. Just throwing that out there.

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