画質 高画質

Me when I'm sentenced to draw but there will be people in the room with me

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Saben estuve pensando y es mejor que presente la historia de este universo de otra forma, tipo dibujos o mini cómics xd.

Así tardaría menos.

10 277

They just outright preserved the design and presented them as separate characters in the Rockman-Chan manga.

3 28

📢3/31(日)開催の『小松昌平プロデュースイベント「もっと!俺を知ってくれ!~激闘三国志編~」』presented by 声優グランプリ』のグッズイラストを描かせて頂きましたー何卒ー✨

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Flat vs Rendered

The flat is so ugly. It's literally so flat that you can't comprehend her body shape. That's why it's a good idea to include rough shading in your sketch if possible.

I use so many "flat" in the sentences above I hope Sui-chan won't kill me. https://t.co/PKZnJ0lmH6

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The fates are intertwined
The next scene will be presented by

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SENTENCEDの名曲をタイトルに冠するお気に入りの漫画で、最終巻まで読んだ記念のファンアートです。救いのない話も多い終末の世界で、彼女(ミーティア)の能天気さと太ももには癒されました(笑)デザインもとても好き。#キリングミーキリングユー https://t.co/284XfL2Xwq

14 35

It's in English!
I'm using a translation app, so I'm sorry if there are any strange sentences.

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最近は炭自体を釜にしているみたいなのでpresented by 三菱炊飯器であればふっくら美味しくご飯を炊けるようです



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Day 696: i feel like im drawing with my brain turned off. And not in a good way.
I should really do more quick drawings and process studies so i dont have to get caught up in all my stupid ass layers.
Which is a sentence I've said before and not taken any action on.

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「Our Dazzling Morning(僕たちのまぶしい朝)」
📷在廊 9(金),10(土),19(日)


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Presente pra essas pessoas porque uma música que não sai da minha cabeça por uma semana merece

Desculpa, é só um sketch colorido mas é com carinho ;D
Quem não viu vá ver

31 249

Si hay un Mao en el presente, ojalá tenga el cabello negro, porque se ve precioso!

2 17

Mañana es el día de publicar el Remake!
Estuve medio ausente esta semana pero ya estamos.

Recuerden que luego del Remake, faltará ser publicado el capitulo Especial, el 31 que tendrá los fanarts y cositas que me enviaron los fanes.

6 36

Que habrá encontrado Rico en el buzón?
será un presente por su boda?
pero si todavia no envía las invitaciones!

0 5


Bajo la nieve de diciembre
como un susurro en el viento
Se mantiene aquí presente
Nuestro eterno sentimiento.❄️

Último més gente! Aquí les dejo el link de descarga con todos los meses!! 💖


10 35

Boa noite! Durmam bem.

Se ficar fora sente muito frio, se fica dentro é muito calor, porém ele está fora também. Confuso... Espero que durmam bem nesse calor. Tentarei dormir também...

0 14

In relation to Mona, I believe the devs have chosen to draw inspiration from Hermes Trismegistus as he became an archetype that represented *the truth-seeker* - Mona’s definitive role and long-term goal in GI.

2 16

Hoy es la Random donde estaré presente, en el 4to piso.

Hay que aprovechar antes que se vaya todo a la mierda........ de nuevo (?

0 12

for a friend!
I read the fic looooong time ago and I LOVED IT SM I wanted to draw a little something something 🥹🥹
I always cry waterfalls when I get to the end - the last few sentences are just HNNGG
i wonder if you can guess which it is

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