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Some early SatAM concepts featuring "Yellow Sally"
Think I prefer the design they settled on for SatAM and most of pre-SGW Archie but I kinda dig this one.💖

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I love when Archie reminds us that Soleanna and Sonic 06 zones canonically exist, even in both the Pre-SGW and Post-SGW continuities.
Fun fact: An early SEGA-made (in-house) variant cover for issue 259 used the Egg Train from 06 instead of the Bullet Station trains from Heroes.

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Razor is a character I don’t think gets talked about enough. He was a pretty cool new character from the Post SGW. He didn’t get much screen time but he does a lot with the screen time he does get.

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One of Lamar Wells' short lived opportunities to draw the Pre-SGW cast... from Sonic Super Special Magazine Issue 7 from May 2013, aka the first month of Worlds Collide.

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If you ever felt Archie fans like myself do admittedly kinda act like spoiled brats, that's kind of because we were. By average Sonic standards anyways.
This 191 page lore book from Pre-SGW's untimely end shows how spoiled we were with elaborate character and worldbuilding lore.

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Infinite's outfit is very reminiscent of Antoine's pre-SGW outfit

This is a subtle nod to the fact that they're both massive pussies

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I still miss Ben Bates... It might be that he was my first exposure to the comics, but all these characters just look right when he draws them. He actually makes me LIKE Sgw!Sally's design.

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Akhlut was better in Pre-SGW form (left) though, I must say.

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I prefer the Pre-SGW universe of Archie Sonic over the Post-SGW one, but I like how Post-SGW handles aquatic Mobians more.

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