Did you know that Shinki's wings were actually supposed to be black? It's mentioned in Mystic Square's OMAKE.TXT!
They have a purple color in game so they could be seen better. https://t.co/R2A1YC6POt

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I might not be able to finish my drawing in time for Shinki day

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In the end I couldn't prepare anything great for valentines, so have these small Shinki Yumeko interactions instead 🥺

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One of my Shinki drawings finally made it to the Pixiv rankings 🥹🙏
Thanks everyone!

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I probably won't be able to finish my drawing by the end of today so here's a little something to make up for it, Shinki sitting on a spring 😇

113 470

🔳Happy 25th anniversary Mystic Square! 🔳
The God of Makai is upon her throne of creation, awaiting her next visitor.
"There is no next. I am the god who created Makai.
There is no being stronger than I."

Shinki 神綺

395 1132

Yes it is! I always see faces in the stage 5 wall/floor pattern, so I tried to make it look like it's a painting (?) of Shinki's head on those walls. I tried various ways to make it prettier, but they ended up taking away too much focus from Yumeko, so I ended up with that ;;

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