"Ellos jugaron bien, yo tengo la culpa"


1 3

The best anime fight of all time is coming
We're ready

41 136

Been a big fan of SKT since pretty much day 1, I enjoy watching them grow as a team. From them trying to just focus Faker as their carry to them now where the team is the carry. I pick them to win almost every time in Pick'ems.

0 0

SKT Qiyana ✏️


[#ArtofLegends|#ArtistOnTwitter|#LeagueOfLegends|#Worlds2019 |#SKTWIN]

3 10

Faker is my favorite pro player.

7 61

꽃샘추위가 가고 봄이 온다고 합니다!!
다가올 봄날과 스프링 시즌을 마무리하고
휴식을 취하셨으면 하는 마음을 담아 그려봤습니다 :)))
항상 파이팅입니다!!!

127 206


37 72

171028 2017 LoL 월드 챔피언십 4강 RNG vs SKT 프리뷰 '피넛' 한왕호 4P 할 수 있어용!!! 화이팅 😀

56 92

티원 화이팅! let's do our best for worlds and i look forward to the (hopefully) good games/plays this season

46 85

i'm never gonna stop drawing this team ❤️ click to see everyone!

1 4

New Uniform >A< And I promised you to draw this Bengi,,

0 4