Evil slas

Killer belongs to WahafRabas
Slash belongs to

18 439

ธีม : แฟนตาซี / สโลวไลฟ์ / รั้วโรงเรียน / เผ่าพันธุ์

Doc : https://t.co/zysz2n1z7I ( 80% )

Q & A : https://t.co/bhxF3nO9fi
เช็คคำตอบ : https://t.co/7QlLAze5GI

( + )

20 34

$DSLA will enable its Peg Protection SLAs earlier than planned, to support the ecosystem, liquid staking, and the stablecoins market.

Conversely, the "Volatility Creeks" Biome of the DSLA Metaverse will distribute educational content about depeg events to the public. https://t.co/T3SWHVeIqJ

13 40

SLAS in on short hiatus due to my personal problems.

9 217

SLAS 351-354 (end of chapter 4)

4 107

My baby with his brother doll, I hope you still remember my TUO story. I will start drawing it again after finishing current SLAS chapter.

6 74

Spoiler alert :)
A very big spoiler from the very end of the story :)
No, she isn't his child.
No..she isn't child of anyone from evil trio.
No..this isn't future.
(The whole SLAS storyline takes about a month)

8 240

Shattered Light and shadow pages 102-104

end of the chapter 1

Dream is wearing dress and he doesn't like it ;p

20 290