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my smartphone's X is not working properly so i can't greet anyone in ohayo vtuber so~ konnichinya
Kiyoshi” is a smart, elite member of the kendo club, and a sergeant (in other words, a prince) who is popular with all the female students.
But having been raised in a strict household.
Turtle Hero's activities are a way for him to free bound his mind. And he is so Geek boy🐢💜🧠
Entaro is an energetic and passionate 13-year-old junior high school student❤️🐢
Kohei is a timid and whiny 10-year-old elementary school student🧡🐢
Kiyoshi is a serious, kind, and smart 16-year-old high school student💜🐢
Hyosuke is a difficult and angry 19 year old student💙🐢
Yuzu decided to show her smartphone to old lady Eltnum
How do you think I flirt? 🌸
1 - don't know how to flirt
2 - complimenting flirt
3 - implication flirt
4 - tease/provocative flirt
5 - really bad pick up lines
6 - smart flirt
7 - subtle flirt https://t.co/9V3BYWMhfz
トランプ大統領「紙ストロー廃止」で小泉進次郎氏に火の粉…掘り返された「レジ袋有料化」のチグハグ説明 | Smart FLASH/スマフラ[光文社週刊誌] https://t.co/977Hk5s8ji #SmartFLASH
( ´_ゝ`) フーン
@DiamondLP2003 This is a Japanese smartphone game in which characters are treated as train cars, and players access train stations found using location information to play out various events.🚆
@HatsuMiilkshake I really loved Tish from the weekenders, tragically forgotten western animation girl
She was a sort of "realistic nerd" -not actually a cartoonish supergenius, and kind of valued the concept of "appearing smart" in a way that was relatable
Solid girl next door archetype
#いおりく #SMART00N風 #今日の無配 #いおりく漫画が読めるハッシュタグ
さっそく #ペッコマ で読もう👇