Mabs Drawlloween Club & Season of the Badguy Club, day 30: Costume/Costume Kid. My kid in particular. Last Halloween.
Pen and marker on paper

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Season of the Bad Guys Club, day 21: Sea Scum. But even bad guys deserve love.
Pen and marker on paper

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Mabs Drawlloween and Season of the Bad Guys Club, day 20: Giant Monsters/Kaiju Creep
Pen and marker on paper

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Grease Bag.
“It’s Greased Autopia!”

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Moon Goon and “animated little fucker”.

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OK I’m finally on an October drawing challenge thing! Namely, Craig Gleason’s ‘Season of the Bad Guys Club’.

I’ll only be doing nine, but they will be ANIMATED, so there. Presenting the first…

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Day 4. She’s outta this world and from the land of Tomorrow.
This kicked my ass. I had to redo her 50 times. Finally (semi) happy with this.

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