Hiji: I will never date that idiot named Sakata Gintoki!
Sougo: Yeah so, you married that idiot named Sakata Gintoki.
Hiji: .....
Hiji: Well that's a total different topic though.

5 36

lover with a dollar sign, is a loser

11 34

Me: *Logging in to the game* Man I would wish I had enough to scout for Sougo, oh well might as well just do a solo yolo.....
Sougo: Hello...you called! :)
Me: ..........Bless my luck sometimes! :'D

0 1

Totally welcome everyone's thoughts on this, but this is how I saw this segment.

Nagi: escaping his "imprisonment" in Northmeir
Mitsuki: getting past his own self-doubts
Tamaki: better controlling his emotional outbursts
Sougo: destroying the image he creates for others

446 638

tamaki: that face you made.. I thought it was so cool.!
sougo: this.. makes me so happy
tamaki: really?
sougo: can you say it again
tamaki: my partner is so cool!

ok ok listen! I hauiiejfbnuggjajhfjknaa

62 133

Sougo: say smth abt the rose first" ahshjesndkskdk best ginhiji shipper

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