I really had fun doing it because... Who doesn't love the Spice Girls?💗(◝ ⌄ ◜)

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Happy Birthday to this amazing woman 💖🎉🎂

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ALMA x Jack Irving: Odyssey

杰克-欧文曾与Lady Gaga、Spicegirls和Doja Cat合作。使用Odyssey nft drop作为Jack发布的数字可穿戴系列起点。铸造6个塔其中一个, 收集6座塔得到第七座独特的塔作为未来3件 "创世纪 "数字可穿戴设备的铸币通行证。争取WL位置。 FREEMINT重点搞起来!

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Ive shared this tons of times on stream BUT! Im so happy to see coming to switch because i spent a summer listening to Mase: Harlem World and on rotation while mastering Wave Race 64 and Mace the Dark Age. If it has online vs, I will beat you!

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