A colour study for the book covers of all 30 Semi-Finalists. See if you can find yours!

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Just a lil evening Here we have The Sticky Note Spectre from 's Duckett & Dyer.
Let the fan art flooooow

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Either my ARvekt is malfunctioning, or my book has made it through to the semi-finals of the SPSFC.
I never dreamt it would get this far, and I'm honoured to join the rest of the contestants.
Congrats everyone, and good luck!


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I've got my next read lined up for the Self Published Fantasy Blog-Off finalists, which I'm planning to review as an judge! "Reign and Ruin" by J.D. Evans, which has a spectacular cover. From chap. 1 I can see lots of politicking!

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Yet another review, and almost to the end of the first round! The Jagged Edge is an interesting thriller cli-fi book, that falls just beneath my top ten. The competition is getting stiff! Check out what I thought:

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Two more reviews for you today! The first juuust barely missed being in my top ten, coming in (currently) at number 11. Check out what I thought of The Echo Effect!

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It's been a while! But today I have two more reviews for you, one of which knocks a contender of my (personal) top ten list. That one is Turnabout, which has a few issues, but was an enjoyable read. You can see my review here:

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I've been pruning the yard, and that means lots of time for audiobooks! My 13th book for (and yes, I'm aware I skipped a number...) is The Lore of Prometheus! My top ten list is now filled, and things are going to start dropping off...
Review here!

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Aha! book 2 complete! The Combat Codes, by Alexander Darwin, is holding in second place, right under the other book I've read so far. I enjoyed the story, especially the martial arts, but I had a few issues with worldbuilding and diversity elements.

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SPSFC is almost here! Get ready cause everything starts in July! I couldn't be more excited!

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I hope y’all are ready for this because is going to be AMAZING.

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🚨I need all of you to stop what you're doing and listen!🚨

Applications for the first ever (Self-Published Science Fiction Competition) close today (06/14).

You can read about the competition or apply to be part of history on 's blog:

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