was really cool! I got to explore the cool exhibitor hall, meet some awesome artists like and and , and not die from social interaction. Thank you for being patient and kind,,!! Trying to make other artist friends is hard,,,

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Need something to read on the trip home from ? Stuck in an airport fiddling with your phone? There's a new page live on https://t.co/a5OoNLwoMh! And there's a new page from next month available on https://t.co/hhgBbM5pNo!

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is signing copies of The River at Night as we speak at booth W1-4, he's here til 3PMdon't miss out on that signed copy!


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Folks! Come get your copy of The River at Night signed by at booth W1-4 from 1:30-3PM. Last chance


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people! will be signing copies of The Hard Tomorrow from 1:30-2:30PM at booth W1-4. You do NOT want to miss this!


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Coming up at 12:30PM join us in the White Oak Room for a panel on Hard Thoughts and Visual Metaphors with , , moderator and other great artists! Don't miss it friends!


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It's happening now Get your copy of The River at Night and The Unquotable Trump signed by and at booth W1-4 Until 3PM. See you there!


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SPX! You're in Luck! and will be signing copies of The Unquotable Trump and The River at Night at booth W1-4 from 2-3PM. See you then!


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SPX friends, where are you?? Cause you SHOULD be down at booth W1-4 with and who are signing books til 2PM,!


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You better run to booth W1-4 because is signing copies of the River at Night and you don't want to miss out!


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Friends! Come get your copy of The River at Night signed by the one and only at booth W1-4 from 12-1PM. We'll be waiting!


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Coming hot off the presses, Kamikaze Volume 1, 2nd print ed. will be debuting at


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Sending out a call for volunteers for specifically, volunteers for Sunday, Sept. 15th! Volunteers get free admission to the show and access to exclusive SPX events and there’ll even be a bit of swag for ya!

Fill out the form to volunteer!


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Cartoonist/author of Sticky Monsters, John Kenn Mortensen who says “It warms my heart when I am able to scare people or just give them the sense of having experienced a small adventure from something so simple as a drawing on a post-it note.”

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We’re a little under six weeks away from and we’re incredibly happy to show you the artwork for the VIP badge by Shing Yin Khor AKA . Needless to say, they crushed it and we’re a little envious of anyone getting to wear this.

Thanks, Shing!

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French writer and researcher Jérôme Tubiana in collaboration with former Guantanamo Bay detainee, Mohammed El-Gharani has written a graphic novel: Guantánamo Kid. Illustrated by French cartoonist Alexandre Franc and endorsed by International.

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is less than two months away and to celebrate our 25th year in this thing we do, we’re showcasing art we’ve had the honor to bring you over the years. Here’s 2016 poster art by the incomparable .

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SPX is just under two months away and to celebrate our 25th year of SPX-ing we’re showcasing some of the beautiful art we’ve had the pleasure of playing eyes upon. Today, a 2014 bookplate designed by Special Guest Eleanor Davis .

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