Scott Rogers' History of Video Games
Ico (2001)
For decades, game developers wondered how to make a player cry or fall in love or even care about another character in the game. 1/

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Scott Rogers' History of Video Games
Tail Concerto (1999)
I almost forgot about this little gem. Tail Concerto was a charming PS1 action game about a police dog and his mech suit. 1/

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Scott Rogers' History of Game Design
SKITCHIN' (1994)
I forgot to mention another great game from the 90's: Skitchin'. Besides Toe Jam & Earl & Comix Zone, Skitchin' wins the award for the "most 90's" game ever created. (Marky Mark's Make My Video isn't a game) 1/

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Scott Rogers' History of Video Games
In the mid-90's, video game art hit a high-point. Artists had been creating pixel art & animation since the mid-80's and some teams excelled at it. 1/

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Scott Rogers' History of Video Games
Don't let your producer tell you otherwise; research is a necessary part of game development. I had to be familiar w/ the market, so after-hours were spent playing the latest/greatest SNES & Genesis games. 1/

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