I joined 8 days ago.
Every memory I have in this community Has gone beyond and above my expectations in thee most positive way
I've made friends with many great people
Riders ride TOGETHER.

I love you all.

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month was awesome! Together the team and community have set the bar high for community, camaraderie, creativity and generosity! Special shout out to the uber-talented artist for this amazing gift, my rider as a toon! I love him!💜#SRXFinale

10 21

That aside, MY favorite memory from SRX Season 1 was the long awaited release of the $STAR Shop! I even won a Dippie from a raffle ticket I bought with $STAR that I earned by holding Riders!!

I'd like to thank and the whole team for everything they do.💜🏂🌌 https://t.co/Wu7fb4AEg4

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