Literally SS1104. This little dude changed my life, I’m so serious. I love my son sm, he’s so special to me, I wanna protect him——😔❤️

2 years ago // now

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Day 2. SS1104.❄️
I'm sorry for post this again! I wrote 04's name way wrong!!! 🙏
Well, now I think you know how this dynamic is! Jajac

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El dibujo que debía a de SS1104 y DA4901 espero y te verdad que si no se como son los colores de los ojos de ellos dos,espero sea los correctos ;'v

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but it’s SS1104’s face 🫶💕

Do I need to do the same with DA4901?

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"I'm so happy to see you again!" -said SS1104 as soon as his companion stepped through the gates of heaven.

Angel 0104 </3

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Okay since part 6's trailer just came out I felt like drawing something JoJo related, but I also wanted to keep the caw black content so I was like: why shouldn't I do a crossover

So yeah, here's DA4901 as Bruno and SS1104 as Abbacchio lmao

here it is lol

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AC1677이랑 SS1104은 둘다 녹안 속성이다

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U-1212: ¡¡Mira pecas!! ¡Vamos a ese lugar! La comida de ahí se ve deliciosa ☆ ¡¡Corramos!!
SS1104: "Calmate... ¡Ayy! Es la primera vez que estoy cerca de una tan linda ¡DIOS!"

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