Two illustrations about the separation of families and the architect of the policies that are causing pain and suffering to thousands, Stephen Miller

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I'm not sure why when people hear that is racist it's a shock or surprised their were emails about it.
You can't look at that boy and smell the racial stink on him?

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Decent ppl aren't founders of right-wing media orgs staffed with known . Further there is a chance will b n Govt. We don't want a like racist like n the PMO ! They said Miller was decent fellow! 😋

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Stephen Miller the next piece in my series the Moobastic Men Of The GOP

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If it walks like a white nationalist, and talks like a white nationalist...

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Adam Zyglis
Cartoonist for The Buffalo News.
Syndicated through Cagle Cartoons.

Then there's Stephen Miller...

🔸 'Don't Worry,' 24 Jun 2018. Adam Zyglis, The Buffalo News.

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Good riddance next please! Art by Ellis Nadler

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