I just woke upppp! Morning Disciples! Stream will be starting in 2 hours! Where we become MARRIAGE CONSULARS!! See you there!🔥

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Estic escrivint un article al sobre l'especiació al·lopàtrica en sistemes insulars. Un dels protagonistes és la /Erythropitta erythrogaster/. Està clar que no soc l'idoni per dibuixar aquests ocells, però encara ho soc menys per escriure sobre això! 🤣

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now I know what you‘re thinking: „Mona, WHY in the name of the FORCE would you make Wattson’s lightsaber GREEN, the color of Jedi Consulars, when blue would be the much smarter choice designwise????“ and folks, I hear your concerns. But also consider this: Green is more aesthetic

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sith sabers are red
consulars use green
i want to be inside you
if you know what i mean ;)

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