Name: Kylvamiir (キルヴァミール)
Title: Boreal Wyvern/Gjallarhorn Wyvern
Length: 3807.48cm
Height: 1925.71cm

Order: Saurischia
Suborder: Theropoda
Superfamily: Great Wyverns
Family: Kylva

Danger Level: ★★★★★★★★★☆
Habitats: Boreal Mountains

22 86

I'm making 2 posts, because even though there's one IP at the top of my list I'm sure you can all predict, there's some others I'd genuinely LOVE to work on:
-Gundam (any iteration)
-Any/all of the Superfam
-Literally any Spider character
-The Legion of Superheroes

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was released in on : RPG Tsukūru: Super Dante - Developed by Kuusou Kagaku - Published by Nintendo - Original release date: March 31, 1995 -

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Glr é sério não faz sentido a Kara dizer q não tem nome, especialmente q poucas pessoas lembram q ela é kryptoniana e fora q no issue anterior ela desabafa q não incluem ela na superfamily aí vão lá é querem tirar o nome de nascença dela ??

0 5

Name: Ventelpento (ヴェンテルペント)
Title: Liberation Wyvern/Venemous Scourge
Length: 2565.12cm
Height: 947.72cm

Order: ???
Suborder: ???
Family: ???

Danger Level: ★★★★★★★★☆☆
Habitats: Forgotten Archipelago, Mangrove Sanctuary, Ashen Highlands

22 86

Name: Agela Maialo (アゲラ・マイアロ)
Title: Pistol Fist Wyvern
Average Length: 3209.21cm

Order: ???
Suborder: ???
Superfamily: ???
Family: ???

Danger Level: ★★★★★★★☆☆☆
Habitats: Painted Mesa, Ashen Highlands,Forgotten Archipelago, Jagged Crown

32 170

Name: Kuchka Ya Radi (クチカラ ヤディ)
Title: Thunder Nail Bird/Static Scabbard
Length: 960.33cm
Height: 1520.98cm

Order: Saurischia
Suborder: Bird Feet
Superfamily: Kicking Birds
Family: Kuchka

Danger Level: ★★★★★☆☆☆☆☆
Habitats: Painted Mesa, Forgotten Archipelago

16 66

29 years ago today, II released for the in Japan! This post-apocalyptic epic features an excellent soundtrack full of rock, techno, and more 🎵 Check out our review of the OST and arranged tracks below!

Music Review:

5 29

Name: Vralaaska (ヴララースカ)
Title: Bubble Whip Wyvern
Average Length: 4019.60cm

Order: Saurischia
Suborder: Odd Neck
Superfamily: Neck Cry Wyvern
Family: Vralaa

Danger Level: ★★★★★☆☆☆☆☆
Habitats: Boreal Mountains

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Name: Great Laau Kulu (ラウ・クル)
Title: Drop Wyvern
Length: 875.1cm
Height: 430.21cm

Order: Saurischia
Suborder: Bird Feet
Superfamily: Runner Wyvern
Family: Lua

Danger Level: ★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆
Habitats: Forgotten Archipelago, Mangrove Sanctuary

22 51

2023 é o ano dele e da superfamily

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a Karen criticando a superfamily por esquecer dela na verdade é o escritor criticando a DC por esquecer da Karen, a mente de titânio

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Sim, mas ele falhou em uma coisa.
Ele não percebeu que a Karen precisa dele e da família principalmente.
Espero que a Kara ajude ela se reaproximar da SuperFamily

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OS GATOS DA SUPERFAMILY, é a união felina

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I'm getting my fill reading Superman comics, it's always exciting and fun

But I need Action Comics 1052 like I need air. I need more Superfamily antics

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-is now believed to have instead used its arms to catch prey! It's unknown exactly where in the Allosauroidea superfamily it fits, it was classified as a metriacanthosaurid in 2010, but then it got removed from the Metriacanthosauridae family in 2019! (2/2)

Art by Audrey.m.horn!

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Today’s Feature on Comix & Coffey is Action Comics Superfamily by and Lois & Clark 2 by and Power Girl by and . All great stories I am loving it! Oh… Leah nice way to sneak in a Titan

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