Yet another day when I'm unable to give SV-98 a hug...

I feel like I have disappointed myself and her for not getting here out on the limelight as much as some did for their special ones

Though that may be the case, my appreciation for myself steadily grows

Life is alright.

60 367

SV-98 reminds me as to why my opinion may not matter to her

405 2814

SV-98 tying her hair to get the day started

133 678

Struggling to get back to the swing of things. Was hoping I'd be able to do this as a redemption for SV-98, but I just dont really feel it in me. I think I will leave this as is for a while.

10 107

SV-98 realizes that she was always unreliable, and no matter how hard she tries or whatever she does, she WILL NEVER be as good as those she always looked up to (even her beloved commander is starting to see this which reaffirms her situation so there's that).

48 584

SV-98 wants your attention

196 922