Why Slyguise?

- Join a Digital + Physical Mission
- Creating SAAS Web3 Products
- Digital Distribution Music/Media
- Art by valuable NFT artist
- 80M social reach daily
- Creation of Music Catalog
- Creation of Monetized Catalog
- Creation of Cannabis Partnerships https://t.co/uqFQhRjnsu

13 33

Me getting first paid SaaS user

50 894

企業のガバナンスを構築・維持・強化するための情報ライフサイクル管理SaaS「Scrumy」を提供するScrumy(スクラミー)は1月6日、シードラウンドにおいて、約4500万円の資金調達を実施したことを発表した。引受先は、イースト… https://t.co/nJZF8HZ2yu

0 1

[ITmedia エンタープライズ] SaaS支出「約3分の1は無駄」 それでもやみくもな予算削減はやめるべき2つの理由 https://t.co/sUdPMY2XlJ

0 0

What is Intent Data and How do You Use it to Drive More Sales? https://t.co/SfbPJOQPLv

1 1

I began with 4 weeks ago: total new world of imaging. I like Picasso and Cubism so on my road to abstraction I used the RJ pict. I use SaaS solutions like Hotpot, Nightcafe, Hypnogram & Colab Notebooks based on Katherine Crowson's. Imagesize not big yet

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1 6

XDOGE🐶 will use 's🐰 SaaS standardization system to launch a new BlindBox . Stay tuned on our latest developments and announcements

18 45

Happy Friday people! 🎉 Grape or peach? Which one do you like better?

Coming soon on DrawKit collections

0 6

SaaS started w/ in 1999 and has grown to a $157 BILLION market
As a it pays to ride new waves and wants to be the Salesforce

128 104

.🍥 commission I C O N 🍥
.🔄 + ♥️

5 20


0 5


① 伸びてるアプリやプロダクトの話
② その他マッチしそうな話(SNSマーケの話、D2CやSaaSの成長の裏側 etc)



13 35

ふと気づくと、ヘッダーはまだSAASの時代のまま😮 すぐに新しいバージョンを作った😋お気に召しましたら、ご自由にお使い下さい💕

I made a new header! Feel free to use it if u like💕

7 68

Step and a step 1億回再生おめでとう🥳これが私の一番好きなニナちゃんの服です

I know it's late but CONGRATULATIONS to SAAS 100M VIEWS👏

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