To all our Clients, Vendors, Well Wishers, Friends and Family, TechFabric Wishes you all a Very Happy Ugadi 🙏

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Software developer interviews: walk an extra mile to explain things well, without assuming people know technical details of what it is you’re working with or tools you use -

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A team of people with partial knowledge do a better job for a company than outstanding individuals with an all-encompassing level of expertise -

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Bitergia is proudly sponsoring
's conference 💚 Join us next September 9th to talk about Analytics and sustainability 🌳

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Neuralink: undergoing brain surgery for every upgrade is going to be slightly trickier than getting a new model of iPhone. Read blog post:

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If you’re a that loves C++, graphics and then come and join our team to help shape the future of 2d animation -

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Mr Bean has become smarter and can solve simple puzzles🙌 The art is by M. Bendtsen, it is imported from Blender. Everything on the scene is made with Timeline and Triggers.

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