Saeran: salesianito también o alguno de esos colegios religiosos para hipsters q tienen 10 alumnos por clase

0 2

Saeran: Eu não prometo nada..
Mas relaxa, eu não sou tão malvada não!

1 3

my old moots will remmber this

zen: leave my baguette

0 19

saeran: also saeran:

29 111

Jihyun: Lily
Saeran: Ice cream
Rika: :)

0 1

baby saeran: adult saeran:

12 49

o 707 me assistindo dar reload no mesmo chat 59 vezes pra eu conseguir paquerar o saeran:

0 0


0 4

jihyun: take this salon vip card u will look better
saeran: salon? SALON!??? u think I'll go to the pathetic place!??
Jihyun: I mean yeah look at ur hair

0 7

gen z version

saeran: hi Heather

jihyun: but I'm not

saeran: shut up Heather flat ass *bew bew*

3 22

saeran: lookie

zen: *gasps* my baguette

saeran: oui I stole ur baguette

zen: give me my baguette back

saeran: non

32 99

Antis in Mystic Messenger fandom: You're not allowed to sexualise Saeran, he's baby uwu


8 49

“I’ll show you why I’m the strongest” ⚡️🌪

0 7

(Air conditioning failure)

MC:Leave me alone.
Saeran:Me too.

MC&Saeran:You are too hot.


93 349

Saeran: Stop spamming that move stupid brother…
Saeyoung: !!!

15 47

YS:「 (*≧д≦)o″) 」
707: 「 (≧∇≦) 」
MC: 「 (^_^ ) 」

Saeran: 「 (# ゚Д゚) 」
707: 「 ♡Ψ(*´▽`*)Ψ♡IOVE♡ 」

Hope I didn’t make any typo and you guys will like these manga.

116 373