__"Toma mi sonrisa,es algo pequeña,pero siempre sabrá brillar en tu Corazón".

~ El principito ✒📚🤴

48 128

“I’ve found what I was looking for,” he said then.
“You must tell the children… Grown-ups no longer understand.”
— deleted passage from The Little Prince

Thank you for sharing this amazing words at Summer Conference.

0 6

Fue el tiempo que pasaste con tu rosa lo que la hizo tan importante..

Un 6 de abril de 1943 La editorial Reynal & Hitchcock publica en los Estados Unidos, en francés y en inglés, El Principito, de Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

13 34

'The most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or touched, they are felt with the heart.'
by published 6 April 1945

0 5

__"Toma mi sonrisa,es algo pequeña,pero siempre sabrá brillar en tu Corazón".

~ El principito ✒📚🤴

55 156

Halloween coming soon! 🎃🦇⭐️星の王子様とカボチャ✨🎃✨ 想像してごらん💫🕊
✨大切なものは、目に見えない✨ Le Petit Prince 🕊


36 203

Baobab, Tree of Generations, by Elaine Ling, juxtaposed with Baobab by (first time I knew they existed when I read Le Petit Prince as a child) by me and Have a go and use the #

6 30

Sorrow is one of the vibrations that prove the fact of living.


1 6

__"Duele.Duele un montón.Pero va a pasar,y cuando sane,más fuerte vas a brillar,más alto vas a volar.Y vas a entender que algunas historias terminan,para que otras mejores puedan empezar."
~ El Principito 🤴🦊✒📚

66 222

Sorrow is one of the vibrations that prove the fact of living.

Happy birthday,

1 3

Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
was born in 1900


4 6

📢‼️ challenge ‼️
This week, it’s the anniversary of and his
Let’s adapt his famous quote “Please, draw me a sheep”
Let’s spread some Yeen love!

10 36

“You become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed.” 🦊🤴
- from The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

0 8

Eu não tava querendo desenhar nada verde, nem com cara de ET, nem alien rs...
EscApei pela tangente kk

2 5

Vol de Nuit, une invitation à prendre de la hauteur, beaucoup de hauteur. 200 pages d’intelligence, d’humanisme et de poésie existentielle.

1 1