drpg did what normal disgaea could not, it finally put salvatore in jail

4 12

Poi il cielo portò foglie
sul suo corpo immoto,
Salirono cupe le acque dei mari.
Amore io qui mi dolgo,
senza amore, solo
Salvatore Quasimodo "Il canto di Apollion"


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KICKS FEET VERY FASTLY AND GIGGLES (He greatly dislikes certain aspects of the drow rewrites and R.A. Salvatore but loves Jarlaxle)

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Thank you, Salvatore! Amazing piece 🖤

'The Second Retaliation of the Son of Dawn'

2 8

Holy Roller
New OC, Salvatore the Goat/Sheep Demon!

3 15

Giorno dopo giorno:
parole maledette e
il sangue e l'oro.
Vi riconosco,miei simili,
mostri della terra.
Al vostro morso e'
caduta la pietà e
la croce gentile
ci ha lasciati.

Salvatore Quasimodo

🖌️Marc Chagall

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Salvatore can write encounters!

2 25

Hi everyone, sorry it's been so long since I last posted any of my art this month. This is my character Salvatore.

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Samara Cloverblue Salvatore (25) - RPG de mesa
- Gêmea mais velha de uma dupla dinâmica que conquista corações e inimizades por onde passam.
- Anda morrendo por dentro após recuperar as memórias da 1a vida.
- Extremamente apegada à irmã e aos pais.
- Caiu na vila, o peixe fuzila.

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-Alma Salvatore Castilla-

Luz’s witch appearance.
Art is made by 💜

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Drizzt.(cropped image) D&D. An old one. The drawing was around 1995 I think and then colored in photoshop around 2000-2001. This was a gift to R.A. Salvatore at a book signing.

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GE Salvatore ☺️💗

With joy, dear :)) My name is Alina, I paint with watercolors :))🖌️🖼️



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Everyone, meet Henry Lorenzo, 2nd Duke of Salvatore.

Henry is Greg & Elizabeth's cousin & plays a HUGE role in Book 3.

He's been super fun to write because he's not afraid to get his hands dirty & do whatever it takes to get what he wants.

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Ayla tried to make Valentine cards for everyone at the Salvatore branch and now they'll be finding glitter everywhere for the rest of time.

4 21

Hi Salvatore!

I paint masterpieces of world painting with own cat, and I also draw just people.

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