17th Feb - In the details
Every detail is important for a wedding! Here's the gorgeous set up at today for their Open Morning. Wonderful work from the team there and

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8th Feb - Beautiful
My birthday roses are still going strong

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8th August - Starts with H
Good thing I took this yesterday as it's raining today!

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30th July - Free choice
Amazing LOVE sign at last weekend's wedding

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9th April - Macro
Dandelion flower taken with and clip-on lense

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3rd April - Many
Many freckles (and a few scrapes) on this gorgeous face

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8th February - Faceless portrait
One girl and her camera

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16th January - Music
One of my favourite albums, Reckless by

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2nd January - Delicious
Ethan loved his soup!

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31st December - Celebrate
Bubbles and twinkly lights!

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21st December - Pop!
Well, just before the pop...

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12th November - On my mind
My gift and trying to get it posted!

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9th/10th November - In love with & Home sweet home
My favourite local building

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28th September - This season
... is my favourite - the light and the colours are perfect!

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