Hey, Chucksters. Got a quick shot for a message from our very own says Merry Christmas!

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Trust me, Sarah. I’m working on a sequel movie.
It’s been 10 years since the conclusion to my favorite series of all time. Still hoping we can see more

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It’s that day again – the day said goodbye. Still my favorite series of all time and I still want Make sure you watch tonight and help the show trend.

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Here’s something I’m working on right now. Keep an eye out for when I figure out how best to make it available.

Also, make sure you’re ready for the anniversary next week.

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You can’t have without Help me out please, Chucksters: Am I crazy for remembering that has a teddy bear in her suitcase? Can’t find a record of it, but I feel like that’s something she had in her bag.

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season 4. When I finally jumped on as it dethroned what was previously my favorite show and the holder of that spot on the DVR, Still love Ted Mosby’s story, but he’s no

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Looking for a show to watch while social distancing at home? I have a recommendation. Thanks for such a great show, and !

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