Prince of the Sea.(contemporary parody/sasodei♀)

6 21

Eternally and momentarily. 2/2(sasodei)

9 26

Eternally and momentarily. 1/2(sasodei)

12 31

day 7. Mermaids.

Your voice makes me feel so weak, but I love it.

20 54

It's the last day of & we're taking a trip to the high seas!

I hope you enjoyed this years event & remember that you can post late entries throughout all of March!

4 16

SasoDei Week 2023
Sunday February 26
Memories - Photography
Reviewing old photos is always a pleasure!
🇧🇷Rever fotos antigas é sempre um prazer!

20 91

Day 4: Rain - Arguments - Unrequited

46 235

SasoDei Week 2023
Saturday February 25
Rain - Arguments - Unrequited
If they really wanted to hurt each other, they wouldn't be touching each other.
🇧🇷Se realmente quisessem se machucar, não estariam se tocando.

14 65

Unrequited (片思い)

20 98

day 3. 80s - 90s.

this is a story about me being stupid enough to not draw this meme when it was popular.

17 35

Friday February 24
80s/90s - Historical
I decided to do the fashion and aesthetics of the 90s.

12 72

day 2. Museum.

They really haven’t enjoyed this date… (part 1/2)

20 66

Sim, atrasada estou, mas não consegui postar ontem e nem sei usar direito a plataforma !(^^)"
Espero ter entendido a proposta.. E sim, me inspirei no Aquiles e no Pátroclo. 👉👈

day 1: fantasy/mythology

11 28

is here!

We're starting off fantastical, with the prompts Mythology & Fantasy - there's so many ways this can go, looking forward to what everyone came up with!

7 16

On the night Sasori died, Deidara took off his mask of indifference and wept bitterly. The guilt for letting him fight alone consumed him, even believing that his master was capable of defeating them that day.

25 113