Off the top of my head, Dr. Finitevus, Lazaar, Prof. Von Schlemmer, and Breezie.

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“One speaks alone unless one enters into a dialogue with a psychoanalyst.”

Jacques Lacan, Seminar XXIV, L´insu que sait de l´une-bevue s´aile a mourre, Love Is the Failure of the Unbewoops (title trans: Dan Collins), 1977

Oskar Schlemmer, Concentric Group, 1925

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🎨 German artist and choreographer, born in Stuttgart, was 4 September 1888.

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Oskar Schlemmer, Am Geländer, Fünf-Figuren-Gruppe [Sur la rampe, groupe de 5 figures]. Crayons sur papier, montage de l'artiste, 28,5 x 22 cm. Vers 1931.

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Claire Breach, AKA Rhubarcode is based in the UK. Inspiration is not limited to but is strongly informed by: Snowboard Kids on the N64, Frank Sidebottom, Aquapets, Schlemmer, Super Milk Chan and Aphex Twin. Twitter and instagram both .

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oskar schlemmer, costumes for the triadic ballet, bauhaus (1927).

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German painter and sculptor Oskar Schlemmer, who was associated with the Bauhaus school, was born on this date in 1888. This is "Scene on rails 1, 1931."

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