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Sigo con estas prácticas relacionadas con aves de Huelva. Esta vez el Avetorillo común, una garza muy pequeña (25-30 cms) que viene desde África.

Si quieren ver cómo lo hice pueden seguirme en Instagram (.o) o Tiktok. ()

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After being out sick all week, I'm finally back to work 😝 💕🪸🌸🪱🌷🐷🍉🐙💖

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Hopefully I'm not to late to the party lol. Here, have my rotund Really proud of this one!
(Also, his name is Dumpling, I decided)

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Scientists create RoboFinch to study how birds learn to sing. How cool is that!? 🐦🤖🎶

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NEW We are proud to present a special on

Marty is a classic, get-the-job-done, commercial illustrator with a succinct and good hearted sensibility.

Read the full feature: https://t.co/nUhZJLb0QB

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🇬🇧 «“What happens when people open their hearts?"
"They get better.”»
🇪🇸 «"¿Y qué pasa cuando las personas abren su corazón?"
"Que se curan"».

(Haruki Murakami, "Norwegian Wood")

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Carabidae, ie the ground beetles, is one of the most diverse insect groups and one of my favorites (I have too many favorites, I know)

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¼ This week’s fanart is from an article by Marie Monniaux, based on the research paper by Liang e al, and published recently on Science Perspectives

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Some protocetid artwork of mine for I adore this strange group of pioneering, leggy whales.

Clockwise from top left: the extra-weird Makaracetus, Aegicetus, Maiacetus and calf, and a comparison of Rodhocetus and Georgiacetus.

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"There's Always A Bigger (Flying) Fish", my first ever paleoart piece with an environment! I'm not too happy with the rendering/ lighting on this one.... but oh well, onto the next!

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welcome to the world Huaxiadraco corollatus!

congrats to Pêgas et. al., (2023) for the interesting paper!

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Pancreatitis illustration by Kristen Wienandt Marzejon, a certified medical illustrator with over 25 years of experience.

Explore more of her work: https://t.co/8htZaXLjaV

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Tip of the iceberg of the diversity of myrmecophiles, ie ant-loving creatures lives with ants, although often in a toxic relationship…

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I'm very happy that for this article of I got to illustrate a Our latest piece, dealt with the "We use only 10% of our brain" myth and brain activity in general! You can check it out on our profile!

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Sperm whale hunting a greenland shark.
Aside from squids, sperm whale also known to feed on large sharks(up to 4m long). It appears that they mostly target deepwater and slow-moving sharks.

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