this is for a project but by gods did i do a good job on the character (his name is mr. delta and he is the cause for this mathscitech pt)

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Proud of my grade 7’s students!
Great portraits 7’s SciTech!

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Here are different ideas about the energy source shape, frame, construction, interaction

All this from the process😉

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TW Dysmorphia


Filters have become popular with the rise of social media, specifically on Instagram and Snapchat. They bear no bad intention, but repeated use of these may bring upon intrusive thoughts & a fragmented view of oneself. (1/4)

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Have more of the why not share them?!😉

Here are mostly 2 drones: Carrier and Researcher.
Also here are different ideas of the drones

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Have you looked at our Scitech page recently? We now have NASA's Picture of the Day - today is The Galactic Center from Radio to X-ray - keep checking each day here.....

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We're part of a thriving network of innovation districts Our campuses build communities for businesses, in locations with unrivaled access to talent, resource & skills.

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Women are entering the domain of and with confidence and a whisk of female energy, breaking through the long-held assumption that is a man’s world.

Beyond barriers: evolve through science, technology

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BREAKING: will be featured on SciTech Now airing this Friday!

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