scrapping this very old wip im not seeing the vision anymore

13 71

Yoru that I'm scrapping

274 2930

colored sketch I'm scrapping
I've been happier with my art tho :)

29 423

also since i overestimated myself by doing other stuff alongside it and getting sick, here's a little peek of the arc piece that i wanted to do for the premiere. guess i'll be scrapping it now

6 28

Scrapping this composition but coco looks rlly good here so I’m posting this unfinished thing 😭😭😭

1 20

First draft of Orishima, the city Gris lives in.
Initially this was supposed to be the first page of my manga but I ended up scrapping it cause it didn't go into the direction I wanted.

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Scrapping the last one w this one,,
Wasn't rly happy w the previous wip the artblock hit me so hard HAHAH

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Also, I feel like I'm gonna be scrapping the previous idea of my song's PV cuz it's gonna take me alot of time to create details and stuff for the bg... So staying true to my art style, I feel like making my characters on a white bg would be better lol!

1 5

Wanted to make a Nina Kosaka fanart but... I think I can do best. Scrapping this artwork to make something better later.

0 4

Scrapping this. It's not often I scrap art pieces but I was kinda forcing myself to draw soooooo look forward to the revamped piece in the future 😔 Kinda art blocked and commissions are going really slow due to being over worked in my retail job.

2 13

aristodeme first rough wherein i was working with a far different idea, so i ended up scrapping it for her more elegant current design

4 15

Here they are, female protagonist of my narcissistic teenage power fantasy, turned nonbinary tech whizz in their own series that I wound up scrapping cuz I couldn't really make I work.

The tone was off, difficulty debating how to handle the morality of killing, kinda edgy too.

0 1

im having problems with this piece so im scrapping and restarting. but i like how steel looks here

1 11

Sketch of my mage Bek scrapping my vampire Steven
Yes...I make my characters fight each other....

4 4

Scrapping and remaking this sprite cause its ass

0 10

scrapping this specific art bec it's not dynamic but I thought you guys might like to see it. I still have plans of finishing the idea using a different pose!

0 9

The original idea was to draw him with his hair untucked but slightly messy but the more I look at it the harder I find it to believe that this is tsukasa—scrapping the idea of slightly messy hair(I’ll draw another one with the concept instead)

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wip that's not getting finished bc i'm scrapping the lines to start over.

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