not everything needs a plot twist but I think this one probably needs it the most. The titular machine/job doesn't get much screentime. Plus idol's girl problem is just limited to mommy cult issues when they could do even more

0 1

I just know he'll gain buncha new fans when he finally gets animated. he's a pretty interesting chara eventho he only got a bit of screentime. a 6'3 MB, funny, salty (classic MB lol), yea, ppl gonna love him😌 anw, he's Unnan Keisuke from Mujinazaka

7 47

why does he get prominent in my fanart despite having like 1-2 seconds/1 minute screentime anyway?

I guess I wanna change his image due to a certain... circumstance☠️

0 1

Any screentime she has for more than 2 seconds is a cause for celebration. She's always there to support Yzak~

0 24

cute side character with only 10 seconds of screentime (gets killed in the first ep)

1 44

jjk! warning spoiler (jaga-jaga)

spill dong karakter jjk favorit kalian yang jarang dapet screentime!! favorite sender adalah beliau yang entah akan muncul kapan

6 124

i just really wish she had more screentime😭

192 2605

hbd husbu kesayangan aka saguru hakuba🫶🏻💛💛

wishnya semoga screentime makin banyak biar haluku makin lancarr Alele!

31 136

me when my fav has two seconds of screentime

0 8

can't wait for her like... 10 seconds of screentime

3 33

v31 for sure is something to look forward to! And Cooper gets more screentime! :D

Tried my hand in making a cover art/illustration for the build. Brainstorming and thumbnailing all the potential covers that summarize the build is a great exercise

16 125

You like characters that are cute, yet has a sad backstory/moment of screentime

For me it's Nesp, Armoroid (found out that's it's name), Magolor, and the Waddle Dees, specifically Parasol Waddle Dee

0 1

Loveeee obsessing over a character with zero screentime it's so fun

4 7

I enjoyed the Akihabara explosion story, it has a nice and bittersweet end.
If I'm not wrong, Galatea in the next events have like ZERO screentime and that's really a shame to me. 😞

27 233

menurutku gepeng ini love triangle-nya seimbang bgt. screentime sama2 banyak & intense, semua punya peran masing2 yg sama2 penting.

jujur aku yg ship E × S jg suka kepikiran kalau2 plot twist & karam 🥲 endingnya blm bisa ditebak, E & D punya potensi yg sama (cont..)

46 709

[fee] i’m obsessed w this lady and her 5 minute screentime

10 79

She had like a minute of screentime when she was introduced and I instantly made her my whole personality

0 6

*has 10 minutes of screentime* oh Yeah. id die for U

16 123

Mobilnya Cornel parodi dari Mobilnya Kobeni 🙈

Nanti debut di eps 2 dan banyak screentimenya di eps 5 & 8 ahahaha

0 1

Aquamarine est un antagoniste sous-côté de ouf et elle méritait plus de screentime 💙💙
Et son duo avec Eyeball avait tellement de potentiel pr avoir une team rocket vibe !!!!!

5 39