FELIZ CUMPLEAÑOS TAKANO-SAN... MI Regalo es una foto inèdita q seguro atesoraras =3!!

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Well I'm off to eat breakfast and do my everyday chores xP Until later everyone~ ^o^/

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Takano and Onodera behind glass, now they can be together forever~<3 *o*

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Goodnight everyone~<3 Have a lovely day/night~ ^o^/

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Ritsu and Chiaki~<3 >o< adorablez~!!!!

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Onodera and Takano~<3 >o< [credits:Pixiv Id 1811904]

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Pero qué romántica es la perversión de un (♥‿♥ʃƪ)

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Kou Yukina:BAOZI
We begin to doing our new Photobook《Boy Friend》~~Pls looking forword~

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No recuerdo de donde las saqué, pero el o la que subió, están bastante buenas, gracias :D

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