HSR 🦚 💫
Aventurine x Caelus

*Aven is seme/top*
🦚「I’ll be your ‘puppy’ forever, Cae💕」

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watched 2jimi 0rchestra☠️
either the OVA cuts a lot of the relationship but seme guy is so deplorable

imagine a lotbw made by demons where continental is depicted as uwu troubled seme, orchestra r4pe music and invisible wang

5/10 coz at least animation is aight (there's worse)

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{☁️RT!} CF19 I-10b

New Nijisanji JP merch line-up
📍Mnemo_M I-10b
🗓️ 9-10 Nov (both days)
🌈Fandom: Nijisanji JP Seme4 Nijisantos ⚠️limited stocks, pick up order link:

29 38



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the storyboard does makes me wonder why the H scenes for the villains are so detailed while the actual romantic scenes are hastily drawn.

why does BL love r*pe or r*pey seme so much bruh. The stereotypes are right tbh https://t.co/mqZcJAfKuX

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I read bunch of comments of lotbw at myreadingmanga and the comments are super ret4rded. One guy calls the main couple problematic (coz they look like generic uke and seme height) then proceeds to goon on the ugli bast4rd

it's when I realize that feedbacks doesn't matter anymore

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>stumbles across a western mxm novel
>features the most stereotypical yaoi-ahh slavery/r seme plot
> wins the glaad/kweer awards or something

why does eastern "yaoi" gets flak for featuring stereotypical yaoi plot, but western novels gets away with it and even gets awards?

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Yasss I ship OiIwa, Oikawa who is seme/top and Iwaizumi who is uke/bottom ☺️
And I’m ok with every Aun’s content though they are OiIwa or IwaOi, however my content is always about OiIwa.

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I re-read Jinx cause I forgot the last part I was at and there was new chapters unread :b

I just wanted to say that while everyone else are simping for the seme I am out here simping for the uke

He's so fucking cute in any shape or form >-<

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instead of cos why not?

Some pretty uke recommendations in my 😑

P.S. Might draw a seme edition for this, so please drop your reco's.

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BROOOOOOO LA OBSESIÓN QUE ESTOY TENIENDO CON ESTE ARCO DE ES INSANOOOOO!! ES QUE MIRALOS TIO, GUAPISIMOS😍 y caesar tioo... ufff me calienta más que el sol de verano en andalucia a las 3 del mediodía🥵

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um tritão maravilhoso... por mais obras com tristão seme

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The blonde is the seme, the redhead is the uke. I freaked out hahaha but I love it. 😂❤️

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Kalo yang ini, alasan denial seme 1 karena dia yakin dia hetero. ntar giliran ukenya udah move-on dengan seme 2, baru deh seme 1 merasa kehilangan 😌

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aku ada, tapi seme 1 nyakitin uke bukan karena menurut dia ga pantes, tapi lebih kek denial "gua ga mungkin jatuh cinta sama ni orang, gua kan cuman main2 aja". Giliran ukenya move-on dengan seme 2 yang memperlakukan dia dengan baik, baru nyesel 🤣🤣

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old minedai pic. probably a fantasy scenario in mine's brain where he's a cool seme demanding seggs NOW over the desk but i forget the context

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LETSGOOO starting off with Alanhi and Rayreo theyre cute, fluffy, AlanHi is older uke x younger seme, RayReo is toll bf x short bf https://t.co/JJ5J4yNYkD

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Me di cuenta que seme olvido sombrearle la bufanda -.-.-

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