As sombras morrem duas vezes, mas eu morro um montão! Hoje vou sofrer, quer dizer, experimentar um dos jogos mais difíceis por aí: Sekiro. Me dá uma forcinha aí? :)

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Der Adventskalender steht heute im Zeichen der Samurai! Gewinnt Karten für das SamuraiMuseum Berlin und ein Exemplar von Sekiro. Zur Teilnahme einen Link da lassen, einen Retweet und beantwortet und folgende Frage: Durch wen verliert Sekiro seinen Arm?

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Wicked good night ya'll! We raided so be sure to stop by and see what he's got going on with Sekiro.

Also pet the best boy Kyuubi

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Sekiro. Every death = FULL RESTART

Stream won't end until I beat the game. If I don't win by 11:59pm Sunday night, then the only game I can stream is The Mortuary Assistant until I clear every ending.



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Angel me défonce si je ne le fais pas en stream, alors voilà.
Découverte de Sekiro.

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A character concept I made up for Sekiro. It's a porcelain puppet controlled by a toxic scorpion from the inside.

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I was in the mood for something a bit more eastern-flavored so here's lovely O'Rin of the Water, from Sekiro. The area she appears in might be my favorite in the game. There's just something about japanese themed hauntings that make them extra creepy in …

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Hey everyone! Today we stream... not Sekiro. Yeah didn't feel like streaming any game today, so we are going to draw!... something. Don't know yet, might get working on some designs lol. Anyways, come join!

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Finished "Sekiro: Hanbei the Undying" manga. An 8 chapter manga prequel to the game Sekiro.

Plot Progression Rating: 8.5/10
Character Development: 9/10
Conclusion Rating: 9/10
Art Style Rating: 10/10

Overall Rating: 9/10
Should you read? - Yes, especially if you like Sekiro.

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Three different crows from Demon's Souls, Dark Souls 3, and Sekiro.

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First pic is fanart of Sekiro. Third one is fanart of 's OC. Last one is fanart for Darkest Dungeon! :D

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this account started with sekiro... i love this game.
this'll be a poster at AX! come talk to me about sekiro!!!!

some closeups :)

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YA, I WANT TO PLAY SEKIRO. Rushing Shura ending (probably w/ Demon Bell on) so we can do a Charmless + Demon Bell + Drunk run!


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Me dying in Elden Ring vs me dying in Sekiro.

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Yes, I'm trying to practice how to draw a light like Sekiro. ✨

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Zerei e não creio que o GOTY já esteja definido. 70% de quem fez reviews sequer chegaram no segundo mapa.
Após jogar e zerar, vejo um exagero quanto às notas.
Sekiro(91) e Bloodborne(92) falham menos que Elden Ring(96).

Enfim, ótimo jogo, mas não supera BB e Sekiro.

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Elden Ring me llama muchísimo la atención pero no he acabado Dark Souls lll y Sekiro. Caerá más adelante pero pues ya he quedado cuáles serán mis compras día 1 ❤️.
- Chrono Cross Remaster 4/7
- AI The Somniun Files Nirvana 6/24
- DLC de Cuphead 6/30
- Soul Hackers 2 8/25

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Felt like drawing a character like this after watching Big A play Sekiro. Sorry it looks messy

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