Day 23 - “The choices we make when no one is watching bear more weight then the choices that are forced upon us “-

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Day 12, Mistake Monday

When desperate people need a problem fixed they go to the witrchdoctor. Vander is always happy to help

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Grief and loss, they're like the fire that shapes us...turns us into something better

A Sulaai noble girl in mourning blue. Oddly a fitting prompt for today

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Day 7; Festivals and celebrations

A royal wedding carved in bas relief into the walls of Torro-Anwo. The Sulaai love colour and pattern in all things, so they have used paint and precious stones to make the carving beautiful

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Day 6 - Teaser Tuesday

“What hit you?” she asked. “I must thank it.”

“The structural integrity of the church roof was not as stable as I would have hoped, nor was my cranium as resilient to the impact as desirable.”

“You got hit on the head by a brick?”

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