Manifesting cheol holding miae’s bag and walking her home like seoyoon

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seoyoon, an office worker, falls asleep at ahn heewon's concert hall where she witnessed heewon aiding in a murder. since then, the world of corrupt monsters who wear beautiful masks and eat humans takes over her life. between being eaten and death, seoyoon makes her choice...

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🎞Strengthened by Misteltein, Altergressive Seo Yoon will join the battlefield after the 8th of Sept. maintenance!

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HBD s1 aja udah sangat menguras energi, trus opening s2nya ini couple angst mati dua-duanya(?) 😭😭😭 pedih amat jadi Seoyoon, semasa hidup disiksa trus, mati jg krna salah sasaran, eh udah jadi setan pun ttp kg ada bahagia-bahagianya 🥺

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